Should You Buy a Hair Detangler? 3 Tips for Tangle-Free Toddler Hair
posted 2018 Nov by

Is it always a battle getting your kid's hair to stay tangle-free? If you've tried commercial hair detanglers and they didn't work for your kid's hair, maybe it's time to change products. Here's how to find the best hair detangler for kids and tips to keep your child's hair tangle-free.
Getting rid of pesky tangles can be one of the biggest challenges when doing your child's hair. Learn how to conquer knots and invest in a quality hair detangler. At any given moment, 90% of your hair is growing while the other 10% rests. No wonder people get knots with all that action! Here's what you need to know to get knots out of your child's hair.
1. Use a Hair Detangler
Wait! Don't click the X on the corner of the screen. You might be a bit jaded, but hair detanglers are still really useful when it comes to getting knots out of your child's hair. Keep it natural and look for a hair detangler without chemicals. Chemicals can irritate your child's scalp. Invest in a hair detangler that uses leave-in conditioner in its formula. This will make the detangler more effective. Don't let the detangler sit on your child's hair for too long. Gently brush or comb your child's hair as soon as you put the detangler on it. If your child is going to be wearing a knit hat (also known as a "knot hat"), put hair detangler spray on their hair beforehand. Make sure you brush/comb your child's hair until the spray is evenly distributed throughout the hair.
2. Use a Good Conditioner
Your child might be little, but their knots are still big. If your child's tangles are particularly ferocious, a good, all-natural conditioner for children might do the trick. Make sure the conditioner isn't saturated with chemicals. Chemicals might irritate a baby's sensitive skin. It's one of the reasons why people create children's products in the first place. If your child's tangles are especially intimidating, you might be tempted to pile conditioner onto every knot. Don't use too much, but use just enough to the point where the knots are covered so you can gently brush or comb them out.
3. Choose The Right Shampoo and Hair Tools
The best shampoos for children are gentle and natural. Make sure you buy shampoo that doesn't sting your child's eyes, irritate their scalp, and suds up/rinses away quickly. The wrong shampoo can dry your child's hair out, leading to more tangles. After you're done washing your child's hair, don't use a towel to dry it as this may cause more tangles. Hair can stretch by up to 30% of its length when wet. This is why it's easier to detangle knots with wet hair. Finally, make sure you pay attention to the ends of your child's hair. Many people are in the habit of neglecting the ends which can lead to tangles and knots. We recommend using a wide tooth comb, or the Wet Brush, and starting from the ends of the hair, gently comb/brush out any tangles as you work your way up to the roots.
You Can Do This
You've got this. We know this can be an intimidating and sometimes frustrating task. With a little practice and lots of patience, you can become a master hair detangler. Above all, embrace the natural beauty of your child's hair and check out some of these hair products to help you care for their hair in a safe and gentle way. Remember: children are always beautiful, naturally.