Children Are Always Beautiful, Naturally®

Our Conditioner is Back! We thank you for your patience and are working hard to bring the rest of your favorite items back in stock as soon as possible!

A healthy lifestyle has nothing to do with healthy hair. True or False?

A healthy lifestyle has nothing to do with healthy hair. True or False?

posted 2018 May by

A healthy lifestyle has nothing to do with healthy hair.


The condition of one's hair is often a direct reflection of one's health. Hair grows from the roots, which are directly linked to your bloodstream, which is directly linked to the overall health of the body.Hair roots must have a constant supply of quality proteins (which are the building blocks for hair growth), vitamins and minerals. To maximize your hair's health, make sure your diet contains the proper nutritional balance!
Check out CARA B Naturally's Shampoo/Body Wash and our Leave-In Conditioner/Daily Moisturizer
to help keep you and your child's beautiful hair clean, and healthy! Try Co-washing with our conditioner for increased moisture.

Stay Beautiful, Naturally :)


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